Branhamism of God?
many followers of the messenger to the Laodicean Age, it is. They
believe that the messenger, William Marrion Branham, had the THUS SAITH
THE LORD in all his words uttered because they believe that he did not make a
single mistake even when speaking. Out of this heretical teaching came
forth several contentions by different preachers as to who William Branham
really was. To a certain group, Branham was (and still is) THE ABSOLUTE and not
just an absolute with a message to the age (the last of the Seven
Church Ages). Some who do declare that the SACRED SCRIPTURE is THE
ABSOLUTE would even at times, under a compromising spirit, point to Branham as
THE ABSOLUTE and fall back on his words (taken from his sermons).
Can there be TWO ABSOLUTES? Such preachers are unstable in all their
ways for they are double-minded men (cf. Jam.1:8).
at the
very extreme end of Branhamism, is that group of preachers who speak of
Bro. Branham as if he is their Lord. The seducing spirit of
Branhamism has finally achieved its aim in deception. For years it has been working
− even in the days when Bro. Branham was
alive and ministering the Word of the Lord
− to bring about a heresy that would stop
the ears from hearing the simple Truth of the message by creating a
"charismatic sensation" around, and about, the servant of the Lord.
The devil has shifted the attention of the message followers to the messenger
instead of Christ, the Word of God, who gave the message. And what is
the simple Truth of that message? It is a cry to the elect of God to come out of all
denominational churches, religious organizations, all isms, all man-made
traditions, creeds and dogmas; and to get right back to THE ABSOLUTE
SACRED WORD of the Lord, to the Apostolic Faith.
1TI 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall
depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of
Over the many years of my ministry, I have
come to know, by letters and emails, of several preachers who wrote me
claiming that they were some great ones (like Theudas and Simon the
Sorcerer, Acts 5:36; 8:9).
some statements out of Branham's sermons, three of these preachers
have claimed to be the fulfillment of the last day prophet that was to
come after Branham.
In India, a
man by the name of S.
THOMAS, believes that he himself, not Bro. Branham,
is the last prophet to the Gentiles and that he holds the last day
revelation. He teaches that Branham was the
second of TWO CHRISTS (our Lord Jesus Christ was the first).
This self-proclaimed prophet declared that William Marrion Branham was both Lord and Christ
Lord Branham
Christ − and that, just like our Lord Jesus, William Branham
had risen from the dead after the third day of his burial!
sacred titles that were accorded to Jesus Christ are also accorded to
William Branham by this false prophet. S. Thomas has no fear of God
for his propagation of all those lies. Why? It is simply because he
is deceived and is blinded to the Truth. Being deceived, he is now
deceiving others. Friends, how dangerous, then, is the spirit of Branhamism?
O Branhamites, whither your
ears in the hearing of the Word of God? Are you not just as blind as
those in the denominations?
Consider: on a scale of 1 to 10 in Branhamism, S. Thomas is a 10.
Then where are you? If you are a 1, you are still under the spell of
that deceiving spirit. As long as you are found anywhere on this Branhamism scale you
are wanting in the Apostolic Faith. You may stand with the
prophet and say that he had the Word. But let me remind you that
Jesus Christ is THE WORD.
Unlike S. Thomas, there are a number of preachers in the U.S.A. who are
running around proclaiming that William Branham (whose body is still in
the grave) will one of these days resurrect to preach the Word of God one
more time. They teach that he will have his big-tent meetings and that he
will travel around the world. Some Branhamites have already purchased
a big tent and a jet plane solely for that purpose. These preachers are even
known to boldly proclaim that those who do not acknowledge this
"Return Ministry of William Branham", as
they call it, are blaspheming God. How blind and foolish they are!
They are the ones who have blasphemed the Word and they don't even know it.
All sermons of Bro. Branham were preached correct. But for anyone to
justify a certain revelation by piecing together some various statements
from his different sermons is plain foolishness. Such a person must have been
bewitched. He has failed to heed this simple Truth:
2TI 3:16 All scripture is
given by inspiration (in-breathed) of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly
furnished unto all good works.
Whatever 'certain revelation' that is being propagated, supposedly
taught by the prophet or otherwise, if it's contrary to the Word, it never came from God! That's the
Truth! The mystery of God unfolds itself within the Word of God, not
certain revelation(s) outside the Word. Far too many people are
using their various experiences, visions, dreams, et cetera, to deceive
others into believing that their 'revelation' is 'Thus Saith The
Lord'. Check what the Word says, brethren, check the Word always. Every
True Revelation of God's Word must interlock one with the other.
Friend, check your faith, check your understanding,
check your revelation. Our Lord Jesus is coming very soon. You
need to know whether you are IN or OUT of His WORD.
Branhamism in the news